Composite image of school supplies on desk

Views From the Field

Views from the Field are brief articles offering federal, national, state, and local perspectives about drug misuse in higher education from across the nation.


Student talks with counselor

Strategies, Structure, and Support: SHIFTing the Narrative to Create a Health-Promoting Campus

Santee Ezell is the Director of Health Promotion and Wellness at Mississippi State University. In this month's article, Santee discusses how to engage with all students differently but equally to create healthier structures, develop strategies inside and outside of the classroom, and support the well-being of the campus.


Recovery circle

The Impact of Stigma on Efforts to Reduce Substance Use

Ryan Doyle, CPS, is the Substance Use Prevention, Education, and Prevention Strategy Specialist at Iowa State University. In this month's article, Ryan explains how campus prevention professionals can collaborate with recovery experts, as well as how this can be aided simply by the language we use.


Professionals talk with college students - Coming Attractions!

Rich Lucey is a senior prevention program manager in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Community Outreach and Prevention Support Section. In this month's article, Rich highlights new initiatives of DEA's Campus Drug Prevention, including a weekly webinar series on professional competencies, new Prevention with Purpose publications, and the One Pill Can Kill awareness campaign.


Professionals collaborate

Universities Require a Sustainable Structure and Evaluation Plan to Address Substance Misuse on Campus

Julie Edwards is Director of the Skorton Center for Health Initiatives at Cornell University. In this month's article, Julie walks prevention professionals through the elements of a sustainable structure to combating drug misuse, as well as the ingredients for an effective evaluation plan.


Professionals with post-it notes

Reflections and the Importance of Unlearning

David Arnold is winding up his tenure as NASPA's assistant vice president of health, safety, and well-being initiatives, having joined the organization in 2014 after 10 years working in college substance misuse prevention. In this month's article, David dissects the root causes of why prevention is so prone to distraction, as well as the factors that should inform a modern approach to the field.


Marijuana in car

Don’t Drive High: Recognizing Cannabis as the Next Frontier for Impaired Driving Prevention

James Wilkinson, MA, CAE, is the Chief Executive Officer of the American College Health Association. In this month’s article, he sounds the alarm on the fact that college students who use marijuana are twice as likely as college students who drink alcohol to engage in impaired driving. He also initiates a call to action that we must bring driving under the influence of cannabis to the center of prevention discussions and efforts.



Accessing Grant Funding and Other Resources to Support Our Work: Strategies for Success

Dr. M. Dolores Cimini is Director of the Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research at the University at Albany, SUNY. Dr. Peggy Glider is the Coordinator for Evaluation and Research at the University of Arizona Campus Health Service. In this month's article, they address program sustainability, resource diversification, and 10 keys to grantwriting success.


Football players

The APPLE Model: Substance Misuse Prevention Tailored for College Athletics and the Student-Athlete Experience

Susie Bruce, M.Ed., is Director of both the University of Virginia’s Gordie Center and the NCAA-funded APPLE Training Institutes. In this month's article, Susie outlines the APPLE Model for athletics-specific prevention, featuring seven prevention "slices".


Adults talking

Training Social Work Students to Engage in Substance Use Prevention Using Immersive Learning

Dane Minnick, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work at Ball State University, and Director of the Ball State Center for Substance Use Research and Community Initiatives. In this month’s article, Dr. Minnick focuses on engaging social work students in substance use prevention using immersive learning.


Professionals collaborate

Prevention with Purpose: Guiding New Professionals in the Field

Jonah Neville, M.S., CHES, is a Health Promotion Specialist at the University of Florida. In this month's View from the Field, Jonah shares prevention tips such as how to assess factors affecting high-risk students and the tradeoff of “Importance versus Changeability."