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Views From the Field

Views from the Field are brief articles offering federal, national, state, and local perspectives about drug misuse in higher education from across the nation.


students walking

Reflections from the American College Health Association’s Immediate Past-President

Katrin Wesner-Harts, Ed.D., Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the University of North Carolina Wilmington


student veteran

Supporting Student-Veterans on Campus: Lessons from Lived Experience

I was barely old enough to order a beer when I found myself being deployed to Iraq. This was post-9/11 so to say tensions were high is an understatement at best. I was thrown right into the deep end.


smiling college student

Investing Time to Achieve Outcomes

As coalition leaders of Missouri Partners in Prevention, Missouri’s higher education substance misuse consortium dedicated to creating healthy and safe college campuses, we get asked a lot about what the most effective way is to create change on campus.


call box on campus

Campus Police: A Vital Connection to Mental Health and Substance Misuse Services

As a former campus police officer, I have seen firsthand how instrumental training in substance misuse and mental health is for all professionals working in postsecondary settings. 


student holding books

Arkansas’s Comprehensive Response to Drug Misuse Among College Students

As the Drug Director for the state of Arkansas, I have the responsibility of overseeing all state-funded substance prevention, substance treatment, and substance recovery activities and programs; advising the governor’s office on drug and alcohol policy issues; overseeing the (fiscal) funding of 19 drug task force units in Arkansas; and overseeing the Arkansas Alcohol and Drug Abuse Coordinating Council.


student laptop

​Reimagining AOD Prevention: Making the Transition to the Virtual Space

Decades of research have examined the effectiveness of in-person prevention efforts to address substance misuse among college students. 


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​Prevention During Times of Uncertainty

Richard Lucey, Jr., Senior Prevention Program Manager in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Community Outreach and Prevention Support Section


students walking on campus

Addressing Substance Misuse on Campus Together

Alcohol. Marijuana. Opioids. Vaping. It is not a secret that misuse of these substances and others is a very real, and in some cases, a growing threat on college campuses nationwide.


marijuana leaf

Evolutions in Cannabis Consumption

Though institutions of higher education who accept federal funds must remain compliant with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act—meaning that use and/or possession of cannabis, in any form, or possession of any paraphernalia, will not be tolerated on campus—state retail cannabis laws and regulations are continuing to change.


campus community

Integrating Peer Education in Drug Misuse Prevention Efforts: Considerations for Effective Practice

Within the broad scope of the public health approach, there are many arenas in which trained peer educators can serve as allies to assist in our drug misuse prevention and intervention efforts.