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Authentic and fake oxycodone

Trends, Fake Pills, and Strategic Planning

DEA Senior Prevention Program Manager Rich Lucey presents "Preventing Drug Use Among College Students: Current Trends, The Dangers of Fake Pills, and The Importance of Strategic Planning" for the Carolina Community Coalition.


Fanny Ye

Using AI to Combat the Opioid Crisis

A computer science professor advances artificial intelligence to dismantle the complex networks that create and traffic deadly opioids.



Prevention IS Your Job: A Fraternity/Sorority Partner Discussion

This webinar provides a research overview of the scope of campus drug use, explains the importance of the Strategic Prevention and successful programming, and introduces the free resources available to campuses and organizations to do the work of prevention.


SCC/SJSU Athletics Fentanyl PSA

Worst Game Changer (SCC/SJSU Athletics Fentanyl PSA)

Santa Clara County, District Two partnered with the athletics community at San Jose State University to warn students about fentanyl.


SCC/SJSU Greek Fentanyl PSA Group

We Pledge to Protect! (SCC/SJSU Greek Community Fentanyl PSA)

Santa Clara County, District Two partnered with the Greek community at San Jose State University to warn students about fentanyl.


Professional leader

Enhancing Professional Competencies for Preventing Drug and Alcohol Misuse Among College Students: Leadership (Episode 7)

This seventh episode of the webinar series focuses on leadership. This episode covers, among other things, the importance of clearly defined roles and responsibilities, supervision, and programmatic monitoring with an aim of continuous improvement, as well as vital aspects around ethics, cultural humility, and professionalism.


Awkward Conversations

Watch: 'Awkward Conversations' Podcast, Season 3

The Drug Enforcement Administration is pleased to announce the next installment of its collaboration with the Elks Drug Awareness Program.


Female professionals plan

Enhancing Professional Competencies for Preventing Drug and Alcohol Misuse Among College Students: Policy and Environmental Strategies (Episode 6)

This sixth episode of the webinar series focuses on policy and environmental strategies. The episode emphasizes, among other things, the importance of a systems approach to policy development, implementation and review, consistency in enforcing the campus’s policy, and communicating the policy to all students, faculty, and staff.


Whiteboard meeting

Enhancing Professional Competencies for Preventing Drug and Alcohol Misuse Among College Students: Program Management (Episode 5)

This fifth episode of the webinar series focuses on program management. The episode highlights, among other things, oversight and implementation of the campus’s efforts to prevent alcohol and drug misuse among its students, including attention to staff, resources, advisory groups and task forces, and extensive collaboration.