FentAlert Challenge: Youth Innovators Advancing Fentanyl Overdose Prevention
Summer is often a time of substance use initiation for youth and young adults. The serious threat of fentanyl in our communities looms large and it is important to focus on prevention messaging during this time of year.
From 2019 to 2021, overdose deaths among adolescents aged 10-19 increased. About 90% of these deaths involved opioids and 84% involved illicitly manufactured fentanyl.
Engaging with youth and young adults can provide important insights into how this substance makes its way into our homes, schools, and communities and empower us to do something about it. That’s why SAMHSA is hosting a free webinar, FentAlert Challenge: Youth Innovators Advancing Fentanyl Overdose Prevention, on June 13, 2024, from 2pm to 3pm ET. FentAlert Challenge youth and young adult winners will share their strategies to increase awareness, education, and prevention around the dangers of fentanyl.
FentAlert Challenge: Empowering Youth for Safer Choices—SAMHSA Fentanyl Awareness Youth Challenge encouraged youth ages 14-18 to develop a community strategy to educate their peers about fentanyl and fake pills—and prevent drug overdose deaths. Six winners and 25 honorable mentions were announced in May during SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week (NPW).
Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 13, 2024, and register to attend.
Where: Online