What is it?
Depressant drug used to help sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, prevent seizures. Prescribed names: Fiorina®, Pentothal®, Seconal®, or Nembutal®
Street Names
Barbs, Block Busters, Christmas Trees, Goof Balls, Pinks, Red Devils, Reds & Blues, Yellow Jackets
How is it used?
Swallowing a pill or injecting a liquid
How does it affect the body?
- Lack of inhibition, relief of anxiety, sleepiness; impairment of memory, judgment and coordination; irritability
- Paranoia and suicidal thought
- Tolerance is easily developed, requiring larger doses each time
- Overdose can occur easily and can be fatal. Signs: Shallow respiration, clammy skin, dilated pupils, weak and rapid pulse, coma