Prevention With Purpose: Web Series

Prevention with Purpose webseries graphic

Welcome to the Prevention with Purpose Web Series!

These videos feature prominent members of the prevention field highlighting the steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework.

As a complement to Prevention with Purpose: A Strategic Planning Guide for Preventing Drug Misuse Among College Students, this video series serves as a resource for professionals across the country looking to execute each of the steps in their work.  


Rich Lucey headshot
Introduction: Prevention with Purpose Web Series


Rich Lucey, Senior Prevention Program Manager at the Drug Enforcement Administration, talks about this new web series which highlights each step of the Strategic Prevention Framework. Watch.

Karen Moses
Step One of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Assessment

Dr. Karen Moses, director of Wellness and Health Promotion at Arizona State University discusses Step One of the Strategic Prevention Framework. Watch.

Headshots of Margo Leitschuh and Joan Masters
Step Two of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Capacity

Margo Leitschuh (pictured left), Communications Coordinator with Missouri Partners in Prevention, and Joan Masters, Senior Coordinator with Missouri Partners in Prevention, discuss Step Two of the Strategic Prevention Framework. Watch.

Dave Closson
Step Three of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Planning

In this video, Dave Closson, director of the Mid-America Prevention Technology Transfer Center, discusses Step Three of the Strategic Prevention Framework. Watch.

Diane Fedorchak
Step Four of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Implementation

Diane Fedorchak, interim director of the Center for Health Promotion at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, discusses Step Four of the Strategic Prevention Framework. Watch.

Peggy Glider
Step Five of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Evaluation

Dr. Peggy Glider, the coordinator for Evaluation and Research at the University of Arizona Campus Health Service, discusses Step Five of the Strategic Prevention Framework. Watch.

September Johnson
Cultural Competence in the Strategic Prevention Framework

September Johnson, Alcohol and Other Drug Specialist at Wesleyan University, discusses the role Cultural Competence plays within the steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework. Watch.

Dolores Cimini
Strategies for Sustainability

Dr. Dolores Cimini, Director of the Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research at the University at Albany, discusses her strategies for sustaining a long-running prevention program. Watch.